Office 365 Calendar Widget


You will need to Register an app in your Azure Active Directory for this widget to function, how to can be found here

Users can view a specified group calendar, where they can view more information about events and create a new event. Three default views can be selected, month, week and day.


Calendar View


Create new event view


Event view, viewable when user clicks on event in Calendar view.

Permission for Group Calendar

To clarify this widget can only view calendars where a user is a member of that group. For example, if the user is a member of the Engineering group, they should be able to view the engineering calendar if it has one.

If a user is a member of the specified group, then they have access to read and edit it.

There is currently no way to change the permission of a user on a group without being an admin, even if you created the group. One can change the permission on a shared calendar but this is not the same as sharing a calendar.

The OAuth permission works differently to outlook. In outlook you can view any public calendar, for example, user 1 can view user 2's calendar but user 1 cannot edit or create new events in the calendar of user 2. This makes sense as someone should not be able to edit someone else’s calendar.

Using the Graph API we query the groups the user is a member of, thus if the specified group for the calendar is within that result we can get the ID. Using that ID we can get the events.

User 1 cannot, for example, view user 2's calendar in the Graph API even if the ID was known because user 1 would not have access to it. That is in line with the permission system for the Graph API.

Thus a user who can view the group events in the calendar widget should always also have the permission to create new events. If the attempt to create a new event failed the widget would show an error.